Getting Started
Installing RollDev
Global Services
RollDev Usage
RollDev Configuration
Alternative Shells
Blackfire Profiling
Database Connections
Automatic DNS Resolution
Grunt and LiveReload Setup
Magento 2 Configurations
Setup Admin Auto Login in Magento 2
Setup Varnish Cache in Magento 2
Testing Magento 2
Mailhog SMTP Configuration
Magento Functional Testing Framework
Multiple Domains
Allure Reporting
Xdebug Support
About RollDev
Change Log
Docker Images
Github Project
RollDev Configuration
Magento 2 Configurations
Magento 2 Configurations
Table of Contents
Setup Admin Auto Login in Magento 2
Step 1: Configure Your Environment File
Step 2: Generate a Local User for Auto-Login
Step 3: Verify Auto-Login Functionality
Step 4: Disable Auto-Login (Important for Production)
Security Considerations
Setup Varnish Cache in Magento 2