Grunt and LiveReload Setup

LiveReload routing is currently supported only on the magento2 environment type. Other environment types may utilize LiveReload via per-project compose configurations to setup the routing for LiveReload JS and WebSocket endpoints.

Configuration for Magento 2

Magento 2 bundles an example grunt based server-side compilation workflow which includes LiveReload and it works within the RollDev shell environment. In order to use this:

  1. Rename or copy Gruntfile.js.sample file to Gruntfile.js in your project root.

  2. Rename or copy package.json.sample file to package.json in your project root.


    If you are running your dev environment on a Mac with Apple Silicon, you may encounter a compatibility issue in the next step. Before moving on to npm install, find the line for the package grunt-contrib-jasmine in package.json and remove it.

  3. Run npm install to install the required NodeJS packages as defined in package.json.

  4. Merge the following into your project’s app/etc/env.php configuration file:

    return [
        'system' => [
            'default' => [
                'design' => [
                    'footer' => [
                        'absolute_footer' => '<script defer src="/livereload.js?port=443"></script>'


    This can be accomplished via alternative means, the important part is the browser requesting /livereload.js?port=443 when running the site on your local development environment.

  5. Run bin/magento app:config:import to load merged configuration into the application.

With the above configuration in place, you’ll first enter the FPM container via roll shell and then setup as follows:

  1. Clean and build the project theme using grunt:

    grunt clean
    grunt exec:blank
    grunt less:blank
  2. Thereafter, only a single command should be needed for daily development:

    grunt watch


    Grunt should be used within the php-fpm container entered via roll shell

This setup will also be used to persist changes to your compiled CSS. When you run grunt watch, a LiveReload server will be started on ports 35729 within the php-fpm container and Traefik will take care of proxying the JavaScript tag and WebSocket requests to this listener.

On a working setup with grunt watch running within roll shell you should see something like the following in the network inspector after reloading the project in a web browser.

LiveReload Network Requests